

一, 2019年计划

  1. 4月份写linux平台基于epoll的反应堆上封装的proactor模式
  2. 5月份win平台基于select的反应堆上封装的proactor模式
  3. 6月份完善clib库网络和常用工具
  4. 读3本书

二, 2020年计划

  1. 找到我的另一半
  2. 学完《深度学习》这本书上的算法的模型
  3. MySQL数据库的InnoDB引擎源码学习

一, Plans for 2019

  1. Write Linux platform in April based on epoll Proactor mode encapsulated on reactor
  2. May Win Platform’s Select-based Proactor Model for Reactor Packaging
  3. Improvement of clib library network and common tools in June
  4. Read 3 books

二, Plans for 2020

  1. Find my partner
  2. Finish the algorithm in the book of《Deep learning》
  3. Source code learning of InnoDB engine in MySQL database